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About us
The BEMO-COFRA project is a 30-months EU-Brazil cooperative research project started in 2011.

The project is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of EU-Brazil Research and Development cooperation under Grant Agreement no. 288133

The Brazilian funding is provided by CNPq Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Work Plan

Project Methodology and Work Plan
The BEMO-COFRA project is a 30 month EU-Brazil collaborative project that will develop an innovative distributed framework allowing networked monitoring and control of large-scale complex systems.

The project has adopted an evolutionary requirement engineering, specification and design methodology, which complies with the following broad template for each iteration:
• User requirements engineering and refinement
• Architecture design specification and refinement
• Enabling technologies research to implement architecture
• Prototype development, system integration and testing
• Conformance testing, usability validation
• Lessons Learned and change analysis

The methodology calls for comprehensive iterative requirements based on initial requirements derived from scenario thinking. These requirements would encompass the needs and priorities of complex, large-scale production systems as well as the wider diffusability and scalability requirements. The scalability requirements in turn will have to take into account the technical and networking operational requirements as well as the testability, validation, marketability and exploitation of the resulting solutions.

The first 18 months period will be used to develop the supporting tools and the networking platform and provide a first prototype of dependable multi-radio WSAN. All validation results willbe used to update and re-engineer the requirements specification, which will be used for the final Test Site to be made available for demonstration activities. Thereafter, the prototype platform will be gradually deployed in the second period in a field trial application and full validation will be performed.

The BEMO-COFRA project will be implemented with different activities being performed in eight dedicated Work Packages (WPs). The project will deliver a total of 37 deliverables, plus 7 working documents, over the 30 month period. 19 deliverables are public and will thus be available for download here on the project's website. A full list of deliverables can be found here.

WP 1 Project management
The work package will provide an effective and efficient management and work process of the project during the contractual period. Its objective is to ensure an efficient management of the project and a consistent high quality of the work to be performed and of the reports produced. Further, it deals with the administrative and financial management of the project.
The workpackage will be lead by the coordinator FIT.

WP2 Requirements Engineering and Validation
The objective of this work package is to elicit, specify and validate the user requirements. Accurate identification of current manufacturing processes, used in automotive manufacturing industries, is a crucial factor for future establishment of new, innovative procedures and processes based on the platform and understood by all partners. In this work package various tasks will be undertaken. First of all, the current state of play within automotive manufacturing industry will be described, next a systematic formalisation of all relevant user requirements and sybsystem functionality will be defined, and finally the quantitative and qualitative metrics and a validation plan will be developed.
The workpackage will be lead by IN-JET.

WP3 Large Scale Distributed System Architecture
The work in WP3 will be to analyse the requirements generated in the analysis conducted by WP 2. This analysis unfolds detailed design principles for the project's infrastructure and software architecture. The architectural necessities for interfacing all the different architectural components have to be regarded.In particular, the wireless sensor and actuator network (WSAN) integration from WP 4 must be taken into account.However, it is not limited to WSAN, but also embraces legacy systems like SCADAs and PLCs. Furthermore, this work packages deals with integrating Hydra/LinkSmart key technology.
The workpackage will be lead by UFPE.

WP4 Large Scale Wireless Sensors and Actuator Networks
WP4 analyses dependability and scalability issues that still hinder wide adoption of WSANs for monitoring and control large scale complex systems. The focus is on heterogeneous WSANs that adopt different wireless communication technologies complementing each other in terms of offered data rate, communication latency, power consumption and networking capabilities; namely: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and IEEE 802.15.4-based technologies.This WP especially focuses on the following dependability aspects: availability, reliability, robustness in harsh radio propagation environments and system manageability, as they are of outmost importance in manufacturing scenarios.
The workpackage will be lead by ISMB.

WP5 Distributed Control Logic and Enabling Features
The distributed control logic and enabling features, namely the monitoring and control tool for WSANs and the LinkSmart-enabled monitoring and control infrastructure, will be developed in this work package. The distributed control logic that supports service orchestration will be defined together with mechanisms to map it on the actual hardware resources. The administration tool for WSANs will be easy to use and build on the system inspection protocol created in WP4 for monitoring and controlling the objects in the wireless network. Existing control systems will be LinkSmart-enabled to allow the project platform to interface with them.The LinkSmart-enabled environments implemented in this work package will be needed for the final Industrial Test Site in WP7.
The workpackage will be lead by VTT.

WP6 Production Monitoring and Control Systems
This workpackage will integrate the different components and solutions provided by WP3, WP4 and WP5 into a coherent Production and Monitoring platform based on Internet of Things technologies. This includes adapting the LinkSmart middleware and creating interfaces for legacy devices as well as interfacing with wireless sensor networks to acquire sensor data from the manufacturing process.The aim is to establish a central integrated environment for monitoring and control of all production processes.
The workpackage will be lead by CNET.

WP7 Solution Integration and Deployment
This WP is devoted to demonstrate in a real industrial environment the functionality of the monitoring systems framework developed in the project. With this aim, in this workpackage will be deployed a monitoring and control application specific for an industrial automatic production application and installed in a real manufacturing environment. Brazilian and European industries are deeply different because of the differences in the cost of man-power and because the logistic and most of the manufacturing activities are performed in a different way. So, production plants present different requirements to satisfy, and the monitoring and control system developed will take in consideration these requirements.In this workpackage these differences will be taken into account to design the appropriate final Industrial Test Site that will be able to provide information about the capability, efficiency, limitations and risks of the development approach, compared with actual solutions in use, and to satisfy all the requirements collected in WP2 proceedings from Brazil and Europe manufacturing worlds.
The workpackage will be lead by COMAU.

WP8 Dissemination and Exlpoitation
The main challenges in the execution of dissemination and exploitation activities, is to keep the interest of the industrial and academic world high in both Brazil and Europe, as the social and economic issues, and thus the needs, differ. In term of industrial issues, Europe is facing higher cost of manpower combined with the low industrial productivity. Brazil, on the contrary, has experienced rapid growth in its manufacturing base and is strongly positioned to enjoy further growth in the industrial markets, but needs to address emerging environmental issues.
The workpackage will be lead by UFAM.